I've decided to do some sort of picture diary, I'll just upload pictures of the good stuff with captions...

A group of 20-25 of myself and my friends went to Karaoke last week. We stayed for about 2 hours, singing all the classics from Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You to The Beach Boys' Surfin USA to Bryan Adams' Everything I Do to Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise! For the 2 hours there and about 5 beers it cost me a pound.

Before the Karaoke we all went to a restaurant called Lac Canh. Our group sat round one massive table which took up pretty much half the restaurant! We had four mini BBQ's on our table, used to cook all of our own food. We had all different meats and seafoods with different rice and breads. Despite the heat and smoke from the BBQ's making it difficult to breath and see, it was an amazing meal. And for all I could eat and a few big beers it cost 2 pounds 50.

Sunrise on the beach the morning after a big night partying. All the kids were out playing and the adults exercising. Some of the exercises were very strange to say the least.

The party was for Guava's (the bar I worked in) 3rd birthday and had a beach theme. I wore red shorts to stick with the Baywatch theme I knew some people were going with. That's Gil next to me.

Me and all the Baywatch girls.

A vodka bottle each, personalised with tipex pens!

Around the table outside early on in the night.

We all love Vietnam.

Me, Sarah, Dennis and Rasmus (in order). Sarah and Rasmus are my good friends who've rented a house and are living here for quite a long time. Dennis is their friend who came over from Thailand where he lives to visit. Rasmus is wearing a wig by the way, his hair isn't that long. Oh, and he doesn't actually have boobs.

A typical beachfront vendor's 'shop' - a bicycle swarmed with every possible inflatable/kite/beach toy you could want or need.

A man going for a swim in a river out in the countryside.

Myself and my friends Ti and Phong on the night of the World Cup Final at the Sailing Club.

Full moon between the buildings on a busy street.

Dinh Tien Dat - the most famous rapper in Vietnam - performing at the Full Moon Party at the Sailing Club. Himself and his two dancers were good breakdancers, I've bought their CD with some clips on since seeing them... and meeting them!
loving the painted bottles!
life is england is tres dull, i've just got back from an AMAZING time in italy, slovenia, and croatia! Cannot find job & everyone's seriously stressing me out atm...ADURRR!
have fun!
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