If this picture and the next one don't make you feel lucky and priviledged to have grown up the way you have then I don't know what will.

All the young kid's carry their younger siblings like this, for km's up and down the mountains. And their mum is probably around 16.

Some girls taking a rest from carrying their wood (each weighs about 40kg).

Goat farmer.

This photo was taken from the new, safer bridge!

How would you like to cross it? The most Indiana Jones style bridge I've ever seen.

Off to cut or kill something.

At the top of a waterfall.

Hiding from the rain.


Me with the family from the homestay and the 3 other guests.

People from the Black H'Mong tribe.

This girl was very cute, like all the kids, and such a poser!

View into the valley showing the rice fields and a waterfall.

Boys riding a buffalo.

There's only one way to cross the river here.

Sorting the rice.

A young boy and girl making their way from the town down into the valley.

Trying on a basket full of corn and they're HEAVY and painful.
Great photos Dan. You obviously have an eye for it. Love the one of the young boy and girl walking down through the fields - I tried to put it as my desktop, but file not big enough so it went all pixelly. Know what I mean!? And all the kids do look so cute! Gill
Thanks! I know what you mean; I've made all the pictures smaller so they're easier to upload, but if you click on the picture to see it bigger it should be big enough for a desktop? But it's vertical anyway...
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